Can I cancel my order after I place it?
Once an order has been processed or shipped, it cannot be canceled. Please contact us to check the current status of your order. If the shipment has not been processed, we can cancel the order for you.
- Why did I not receive my order number?
Due to system lag, some customers may not receive the order number. If the order number is not found on the Cusimax official website, please contact sales@cusimax.com to obtain the order number in time.
- Can I return my product?
We’re always committed to making sure our customers love our products, but if you do need a return, we’d be happy to help. But please note that Cusimax does not bear the shipping cost of returning the product if it is not a quality issue. If you’re sure to make a return, simply email sales@cusimax.com directly and we’ll walk you through the process.
- How long will it take to receive my order?
All our orders use the most convenient way. Including but not limited to UPS, USPS, Amazon Logistics, etc. The exact delivery time depends on the destination and shipping method.
- Are Cusimax products shipped from outside the United States?
Cusimax has its own warehouse in the United States, except for accessories, all other products are shipped from the United States.
- Why are the accessories I ordered not shipped for a long time?
Accessories are shipped from China. Due to the long distance and the need to reach a certain order volume before delivery, the delivery time is longer. Accessories are generally shipped within 1-2 months after placing the order. If it has not been shipped after this time, please contact sales@cusimax.com for inquiries.
- How do I get instructions?
To obtain instructions, please send your product model number (SKU) to sales@cusimax.com
We will send the product manual to your email within two days.
- Amazon order and after-sales service, who should I contact?
For orders placed on Amazon, please contact at
What is the Cusimax warranty?
Cusimax product is covered by an 18-month replacement or repair warranty after the order is issued under normal use for Brand New, and we will provide customer service to answer technical questions even after 18 months. Please contact us to know more details.
- If you have any questions or problems with the official website, please fill out the form